Levin Center Advisory Board

The Levin Center Advisory Board provides counsel and advice on strategic and long-term decisions of the Levin Center and supports our outreach efforts. 

Meet our Advisory Board Members

Paul Hillegonds headshot
Hon. Paul Hillegonds

Chair, Advisory Board, Former Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives; CEO,  Michigan Health Endowment Fund

Jocelyn Benson headshot

Hon. Jocelyn Benson

Vice Chair, Advisory Board, 
Secretary of State, Michigan
N. Peter Antone
Antone Casagrande & Adwers PC
Portia Bamiduro

Public Policy, Amazon

Barbara Comstock headshot
Hon. Barbara Comstock
Former Congresswoman and current Senior Advisor at Baker Donelson
Tom Daschle headshot
Hon. Tom Daschle
Former U.S. Senator, South Dakota,  Founder and CEO, The Daschle Group
Cynthia Ford
Community Volunteer
Elizabeth Hardy

Member, Kienbaum, Hardy, Viviano, Pelton & Forrest

Eleanor Hill
Partner, King & Spalding LLP
Jason Hill
Associate Vice President, Office of Government Affairs, Stanford Health Care
Bud Liebler

President, Liebler Group

Kate Levin Markel
President, McGregor Fund
Cyril Moscow

Partner, Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP

James B. Nicholson

President and CEO, PVS Chemicals Inc.

Jay Rockefeller headshot
Hon. Jay Rockefeller
Former U.S. Senator, West Virginia, Distinguished Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations
Olympia Snowe headshot
Hon. Senator Olympia J. Snowe

Former U.S. Senator, Maine; Senior Fellow, Bipartisan Policy Center

Gary Torgow headshot
Gary Torgow

Chairman, Huntington National Bank

Hon. Dave Trott

Former U.S. Rep., Michigan, President, Trott Management

Reginald M. Turner

Member, Clark Hill PLC

Pete Walters

Retired Chair, Guardian Industries Corp.